Going above and beyond to always ensure customer security. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado, April 11, 2014 -- Mecca Hosting, a leader in providing customized hosting solutions, was not impacted by the recently announced HeartBleed bug in the OpenSSL cryptographic software library due to company security policies. The discovery of the Heartbleed bug means encrypted connections with websites that used particular versions of OpenSSL (versions 1.0.1-1.0.1f) may have been compromised, exposing logins, passwords, and other data. Mecca Hosting does not use a vulnerable version of the OpenSSL library on any servers, so no customer credentials or data were compromised. "We have a policy that prevents us from immediately adopting new versions of software until they are completely stable. For this reason, our servers are still utilizing OpenSSL v0.9 and were never migrated to v1.0, which contained the HeartBleed bug.", stated Pete Howell, Senior System Administrator for Mecca Hosting. About Mecca Hosting Mecca Hosting is a pioneer in developing low-cost, customized hosting solutions since 2000. The company's services include Domain registration, E-mail accounts with Web and Wireless access, and Web hosting solutions. For additional information visit the company's Web site at www.MeccaHosting.com.